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Dr. Bennett’s unique skills enable him to treat people of all ages. We welcome you to schedule one convenient
appointment to get your whole family checked at the same time.







Being a mom is physically demanding and highly stressful. Your body goes through the effort of growing a baby.
Many biomechanical changes occur in your body during this amazing experience.


Then there’s the stressful birth process and the added weight of carrying your baby around!


Dr. Bennett's chiropractic training and postgraduate education give him a great deal of experience in treating pregnant women and new mothers






The birth process can be traumatic for your baby. Birth can lead to neck problems, and babies commonly experience conditions like colic or digestive issues. We recommend our new mothers bring in their babies shortly after birth just to check that everything is working as it should.


As your baby learns how to walk (and fall!), spinal injuries can result that may not show up as problems until later in life. Having them regularly checked throughout childhood will give them health advantages that last long into adulthood.







Kids are rough and tumble. They’re falling off bikes and trampolines and learning how to play sports. It’s great for kids to have their spine, back and neck checked to make sure that they don’t have unhealthy patterns that will affect them into their later years.







At North Island Chiropractic, our goal is to help you Feel Younger! Dr. Bennett treats all ages of adults, including geriatric patients. Many elderly people are at a stage of life where they have health issues that need to be addressed. We can help them naturally, without needing to take prescription medications or resorting to surgery.


If you’ve had an injury, we can help you recover faster and get back to living the life you love!




Are you looking for a family chiropractor? We’re here for you!

Schedule your appointment TODAY!












North Island Chiropractic | Serving Oak Harbor and All of Island County

Dr. Rondle Bennett | North Island Chiropractic | (360) 682-2759